Monday, September 30, 2019

Plato and the Concept of Knowledge Essay

Plato’s Theaetetus is a dialogue that discusses and attempts to find a definition of knowledge. The two characters, Socrates and Theaetetus, approach the argument with the initial idea that knowledge is the addition of a true judgment and an account. However, Socrates raises some concerns regarding the fundamental aspects that make the definition true. Ultimately, the two characters find that their original definition of knowledge is not as accurate, nor as simple as they once believed. The article opens with Theaetetus recalling a definition of knowledge he once heard, which stated â€Å"true judgment with an account is knowledge [and is therefore knowable], and the kind without an account falls outside the sphere of knowledge [and is therefore unknowable]† (126). Socrates begins to question one’s ability to determine whether something is or is not knowable, and he demonstrates the concept using the relationship between elements and complexes. In doing so, he explains a recent dream of his, which, in turn, is actually an explanation of Dream Theory. Dream Theory states that â€Å"the primary elements, of which we and everything else are composed, have no account. Each of them itself, by itself, can only be named† (126). In other words, as elements cannot be broken down further, elements cannot have an account because that would require the determining of whether or not the said elements exist. The addition of that information onto the original element itself results in something that is no longer in its simplest form. Therefore, no elements can have accounts, nor can they be knowable; elements can only be perceived. Consequently, this poses the question as to whether or not complexes are knowable given that their elements are not. When complexes are viewed as the sum of all their elements, it is safe to conclude that the complexes are unknowable, as their elements are unknowable. This idea allowed Socrates to then consider whether complexes were mere sums or if they should instead be viewed as wholes that cannot be dissected into parts. However, the problem with this idea is that, when viewed as a whole that cannot be separated, the complex is then no different than an element, and therefore cannot have an account. After failing to determine what does and does not have an account, Socrates decides to turn his attention to determining what constitutes an account. First, he defines it as stating one’s judgment through speech. Immediately, this manifests flaws in the sense that any true statement could then be considered an account. If this were the case, there would be no differentiation between an account and a true judgment. Next, he defines an account as listing the elements of the things known. Again, this must be incorrect because the possibility exists that one could simply memorize the elements without actually understanding them. Without understanding, one cannot have knowledge. Finally, he defines an account as differentiating the known thing from everything else. This would require knowledge of the differences, and ultimately would again be a reiteration of the true judgment. Additionally, one would be defining knowledge as true judgment plus knowledge, which would be considered a fallacy. This marks the final turning point in Socrates’s and Theaetetus’s overall definition of knowledge, where the two characters decide that their initial definition could not be considered correct. Through their attempts to dissect the supposed explanation of knowledge, Socrates and Theaetetus finally reach the conclusion that knowledge is â€Å"neither perception, nor true judgment, nor an account added to true judgment† (133).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Constitutional rights of prisoners Essay

They would use whippings and hangings, to public humiliation . Multiple prisoner where kept in crowded cells. One of the first correctional institutes in America was known as the Walnut Street jail. It was started in Philadelphia in the 1790. Prisons were meant to punish people who committed crimes. It was thought that by taking away ones freedom for committing crimes it would make them think twice about committing another crime when they were released. However by restricting them of their right to freedom violate their constitutional right? Should prisoners have rights while they are incarcerated? How do our prison systems refrain from making sure that prisoners’ rights are not being violated? Are the wardens and guards that run our prison systems doing all they can to ensure that our prisoners are being taken care of while keeping their own balance in their daily functions? There are many problems that are evident in our prison systems today that would make a person feel that a prisoners rights are being violated for instance the medical treatment of prisoners. It’s a right for a person to seek medical treatment however our inmates are not getting the treatment that they deserve due to the lack of doctors in our prisons and sometimes it due to the guards not wanting to give them the treatment because they feel they don’t truly need it. A prisoner is given a comprehensive medical and mental health exam within fourteen days of entering our prison system they are then examined periodically thereafter . Unless a prisoner has a dental emergency they are seen within one year of their admission into prison and annually thereafter. So as I was researching this I had to ask myself if they are being mistreated when it comes to the medical attention that they receive and my answer is no. Prisons don’t violate the rights of a prisoner to seek medical help they are actually being seen and treated more than most American are. Our prison system and jails have certain duties and codes that they must follow to insure the safety of our prisoners. A correctional facility should be safe and orderly and should be run in a fair and lawful manner. Imprisonment should prepare prisoners to live law-abiding lives upon release. Correctional authorities should facilitate prisoners’ reintegration into free society by implementing appropriate conditions of confinement and by sustained planning for such reintegration. A correctional facility should maintain order and should protect prisoners from harm from other prisoners and staff. Restrictions placed on prisoners should be necessary and proportionate to the legitimate objectives for which those restrictions are imposed. Correctional authorities should respect the human rights and dignity of prisoners. No prisoner should be subjected to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or conditions. For a convicted prisoner, loss of liberty and separation from society should be the sole punishments imposed by imprisonment. For a prisoner not serving a sentence for a crime, the purpose of imprisonment should be to assure appearance of the prisoner at trial and to safeguard the public, not to punish. A correctional facility should be appropriately staffed. Correctional officials should implement internal processes for continually assessing and improving each correctional facility. A correctional facility should be monitored and regularly inspected by independent government entities. A lack of resources should not excuse treatment or conditions that violate prisoners’ constitutional or statutory rights. Governmental authorities should provide sufficient resources to implement these Standards. (Oxford 1995) They also have the sole duties of keeping are prisoners safe from any harm that they may encounter by doing the following. Each prisoner is entitled to humane and healthful living conditions; safety from harm, including protection from punitive or excessive force and protection from abuse by other prisoners and staff; freedom from staff harassment and invidious discrimination; freedom of religion and substantial freedom of expression; conditions conducive to maintaining healthy relationships with their families; opportunities to participate in constructive activity and  rehabilitative programs. We as American’s have constitutional rights that we all are protected from and a person who commits a crime against another person or society should be punished for it. Some of the punishments might be a little severe for the crime committed, but we do need to be held accountable for our actions. Our justice system is coming up with ways to keep petty offenders out of our prisons and by doing more policing in our cities is deterring criminals from committing crimes. Prison guards face numerous ethical dilemmas on the job. They need to be well connected to prisoners. An inmate may try to bribe them for better treatment or inmates may be abusive to guards for no reason. In both of these situations a guard must be able to treat all inmates equally.  They must be able to enforce prison rules firmly and consistently. This is something that should be done on a daily bases both while on duty and in his everyday life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Statement by the President on Cuba Policy Changes Essay

Statement by the President on Cuba Policy Changes - Essay Example This rhetoric began a speech that not only asked me to re-examine what I know about the history of America and Cuba as allies and foes but also changed the way that I now view the historical lessons taught to me. This particular speech was highly effective because of Pres. Obama did not only use the story of other people to support his claims of the need to change the American policy pertaining to Cuba, but he used historical analysis and evidence to help support his claims. Evidence that gave credibility to his claims and offered a chance for the American people to make up their own minds regarding the logic or mistakes that lifting the embargo might bring about. By clearly explaining the history of the embargo and its  effectiveness as an international policy, we, the listeners, came to better understand the logic and practicality of his reasons for lifting the ban. In the end, Pres. Obama left the stage having convinced a number of listeners and leaving some to ponder the direct ion that his new Cuban policy might lead the United States into.   

Friday, September 27, 2019

Employment Law--Case Report Part2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employment Law-- Report Part2 - Case Study Example In some countries (such as Canada), employment laws related to unionised workplaces are differentiated from those relating to particular individuals. In most countries however, no such distinction is made. The labour movement has been instrumental in the enacting of laws protecting labour rights in the 19th and 20th centuries." 1 "In this case the EAT held that nurses providing a telephone service from their own homes at night were working throughout the night, even though they were able to do as they wished and might be asleep between telephone calls. The employees provided emergency nursing cover for nursing homes through a booking service that was staffed by qualified nurses 24 hours a day. During the day the service was provided from various offices but at night it was provided by nurses working from their homes. The Inland Revenue NMW Compliance Team served an enforcement notice on the employer. The Employment Tribunal considered that there was essentially no difference between the day workers and the night workers, except that the night workers worked from home. The Tribunal therefore concluded that the nurses were working for the whole of their night shift. The EAT upheld the decision of the Tribunal. ... ies approached their mutual obligations and the way remuneration was calculated; and the extent to which the period during which work was performed was ascertainable. The fact that the nurses were remunerated according to a shift system illustrated the nature of the obligation, since the employer would not be expected to pay them for time when they were not working. The EAT considered that the nurses' situation was different from that of other home workers because they could not choose the periods of time during the night when they answered the telephone calls. The continuing obligation to hold themselves ready to answer the telephone throughout the night was an important element in considering which periods of time constituted work. The main issue was what was to be regarded as their "actual work". The EAT emphasised that the task is to look at all the facts of the case, rather than trying to apply a general rule or categorise the nature of the work involved." 01 Further more detailed description of type and work of National Minimum Wage Compliance Team is as Follows: "The National Minimum Wage Compliance Team is an arm of the Inland Revenue charged with the task of enforcing the minimum wage with extensive powers to bring infringing employers to the Tribunal. It has had a remarkable track record of success with well selected and well prepared cases. The result is greater compliance with the NMW, more money for workers and more tax and NI revenue for the Treasury. British Nursing Association -v- Inland Revenue ( National Minimum Wage Compliance Team ) concerned workers who operated a telephone booking service for a bank nurse agency. During the day the service was conducted from the employer's premises, but the night shift worked from their homes. The calls

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Jus 104 Week 4 Short Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jus 104 Week 4 Short Paper - Coursework Example With few guards who are often overwhelmed during peak hours, it becomes hard for them to accurately conduct the security checks and certify the visitors (Sennewald 88-92). Subsequently, by being less, few of the guards are assigned to monitor the alarm systems; thus, making it hard to make predictions in case of security breaches. The inadequacy of inspection and conducting of after-hours security checking of the facility is a great deficiency to the facility because it is during such periods that security systems of the facility are infiltrated and posing a security threat to the facility. Subsequently, by not adequately following the required security procedures especially during lunch hours. This is because, such moments can be used to attacking the facility and its systems easily given that no adequate checks are conducted. Except for the deficiencies, the facility has maintained good practices for its alarm system such as daily maintenance of the register of all visitors, use of identification badges by all employees, and issuing of visitor identification passes. These practices are good and essential in the sense that the visitors’ register will keep a record of all the details of the visitors to the facility including their intended purpose of visit and the host person. Subsequently, the register documents the time when a visitor arrived and the time of departure; thus, making it easy for accountability purposes (Fischer, Edward & David 112-125). This practice is coupled by the issuing of passes or tags to visitors to be carried around whenever one is within the facility. Subsequently, the facility requires all employees to wear identification passes that distinguish them from other persons (Serrano, Eduardo & Jean-Yves 77-79). The passes also grant them access to specific areas that are not easily accessible by other persons for security purposes. It is recommended that for the facility to curb its security breaches

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Financial Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financial Management - Case Study Example determine the best strategy for the company, there is the need to understand fully the external and internal environmental factors that affect the company1. The analysis of the company production and pricing for a certain period should be based on influences by the external and internal environmental factors. In order to come up with a good plan for the coming year, the Amalgamated Industries Limited (AIL) should reflect on the previous year’s activities on their production and pricing. Developing an improved strategy for production and pricing would help in maximizing the overall AIL profits in the upcoming year. The production speed should ensure quality of the materials. Quality materials would buy the customer trust and thus establish a long lasting relationship with the customers. The company should also ensure minimal expenditures on its production. Production process should take the cheapest means possible. This would allow for improve profits which would enable the company to cater for other internal and external expenses. The company should only adopt assets which give significant annual returns. The recommended changes may have some slight effect on the individual divisions. Elimination of some assets from the current organization would change the structure of the company’s portfolio. Dormant Investments from within the company should be eliminated while the company should adopt new assets which would keep records of the highest percentage of annual returns. Another recommendation is that the Compubase Inc. (CI) should offer a reduced price to $1.800 for all chips supplied to the PTL. However, these would affect the expected profits by the PTL Company. Production of quality materials would mean increasing the company’s investment on raw materials and of its services of production. This would win their trust by customers. However, this would affect the expected profits by the divisions in their short term plans. Ensuring minimized expenditures

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Bullying - Essay Example It is agreeable that bullying is practiced mainly in schools and over the internet and this form of harassment comes with adverse negative impact on the youths among other victims. However, the author has stated that the problem can be effectively controlled through several measures. Notably, this article is not only educational and exciting, but also comprehensive. For instance, it has discussed different forms of bullying, their causes and effects. Most of the articles addressing issues on bullying have always failed to discuss how bullying has affected students. The assertions in the article concerning bullying have also been comprehensively substantiated using clear examples. The claim that school bullying has led to enormous number of suicide incidences in United States has been substantiated by using the case of Phoebe Prince, who committed suicide as a result of school bullying. To validate the assumption that cyberbullying can lead to serious psychological and mental problems, the article has provided an example of the death of a thirteen-year-old Megan Meier that came because of a serious psychological problem. Moreover, the arguments involve more than one principle. The opinions in the article are convincing because they are explicit, logical and have been presented using a plain language. Reading through the article, there are no technical words that can cause problems to the readers. The use of technical words always affects the readability and understanding of the main ideas being presented. The clarity of the first paragraph clearly brings the message that the article is about bullying. Arguably, with the use of complex words, it would not be easy for the readers to understand the main arguments by going through the first paragraph. The article is explicit because the readers can easily recognize the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Illegal Immigration - Essay Example These people who make the entry are known as immigrant (Immigrant Assist, 2012). An immigrant who enters another country without going through the laid down laws therefore becomes an illegal immigrant. In the United States of American and in all legal jurisdictions around the world, illegal acts are offensive and punishable by law. For this reason, the fact that a person is touted as an ‘illegal’ immigrant alone renders the fellow an offender. Presently, there are very strict laws that prescribe various forms of punishments for people who are caught to be illegal immigrants. As a way of fighting against illegal immigration also, there are a lot of restrictions that have been put on people in the country who are not legal residents. Generally, the debate continues as to what should be done to people who are caught to be illegal immigrants. PROPONENTS Proponents of this debate argue on two major reasons why illegal immigrants should not be punished by the law. First, they argue on humanitarian grounds stating that people would generally travel to the United States of America by crook means because of the need to make greener pastures and alleviate themselves from the hardships they face in their countries. From a humanitarian perspectives therefore, these proponents advocate tempering justice with mercy. There also is an argument by the proponents that illegal immigrants contribute largely to the economy of the United States of America through their trade and other economic activities and thus the need to allow their integration into the United States population. In the light of the growing debate, there have been formal studies and research to confirm the quantitative contribution of illegal immigrants to the economy of the United States. For instance the White House Council of Economic Advisors (2007), reports that â€Å"U.S. natives gain an estimated $37 billion a year from immigrants’ participation in the U.S. economy, according to the Pr esident’s Council of Economic Advisors† (Drum Major Institute, 2012). This figure is by no means a small amount of money to the economic growth of the United States. For each illegal immigrant that is expelled from the country therefore, there is a percentage of this amount that is lost to the United States economy. OPPONENTS There are also those who do not agree that illegal immigration should be entertained. In the view of these opponents, illegal immigrants should continue to be sanctioned and expelled from the United States of America. These opponents argue on two major grounds. The first has to do with the argument of security reasons whiles the second has to do with improper national planning policy. First, it is argued that the continuous stay of people whose information cannot be accounted for constitutes a major security threat to the country. Especially as it is becoming clear that the United States is having more and more international enemies, it is always i mportant that authorities in the country can monitor each and every resident and their activities. However, this is not possible if people enter the country illegally or overstay their visa dates. Again, because the country does not have any formal information on illegal immigrants, it becomes very difficult to include them in national planning

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Trust Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trust Case - Assignment Example tutorials, prompts, guides, to assist and inform the user to execute transaction and or explore task on the website (Studio Archetype/ Sapient, 1999, p.33). b) Presentation is the behavior in which the apparent glance and outlook of the site, both inside and outside of it, communicates significant information to the user. It has 3 elements. Clarity of Purpose implies that the efficiently laid out visuals successfully transmit the idea and the intention of the site. It is to familiarize the customers, that they can buy products when they get to this web site. Craftsmanship is the extent of the skill and proficiency of the development of the website, which the viewer perceives and judges by the first look of it. c) Technology: The number of ways in which the site technically functions. It has 2 elements which are: 1) Functionality: On the whole, how well the website seems to work for the user (Studio Archetype/ Sapient, 1999, p.33). d. Fulfillment is the entire method that the user goes through from the time a particular product’s purchase is initiated until he finally receives the product. Its elements include: 1) Protection of Personal Information: The privacy of the personal information is a must as it should be guaranteed to be used for that particular purpose to be used for no purpose other than what it was provided for. 3) Recourse: The operation process allows for remedy if one faces a problem at any time during the course of action. 4) Return Policy: There should be clarity in explaining the return policy 5) Simplicity of Process: How simple and easy is the purchase process (Studio Archetype/ Sapient, 1999, p.33). Qs2) â€Å"Seals of approval† are described as affirmed, acknowledged and authentic policies of security and encryption (seals of approval). The companies that provide these seals of approval are referred to in this report as â€Å"security brands. The top three â€Å"security brand† seals of approval in terms of percentage of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Evaluating Reference Sources Essay Example for Free

Evaluating Reference Sources Essay After gathering reference sources, carefully examine them with specific and general questions designed to determine whether they are relevant to the research question or topic under consideration. There are four primary questions to ask about a list of references, including: 1) How well do sources answer the question? 2) Does an expert provide the information? 3) Is the source valid? and 4) Is there a variety of references included, and not just one point of view?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The way to decide if a source is appropriate is to read the Table of Contents and Indexes inside a book and see if the material matches your topic. In an article, read the captions underneath the pictures and charts first, then the first sentence of each paragraph. Usually the pictures and graphs will give you the gist of the article, while the text helps to explain it. Be careful to consider the credentials of all references. Someone with experience, training, and certification in a field of study is considered an expert. Their studied opinion will then substantiate your opinions on a topic. For example, a PhD psychologist working with children for 30 years would be more of an expert on attention deficit than, say, an auto mechanic. Other questions to consider are the following: 1.Is the information unbiased? For example, do you accept a claim from the Sugar Growers Association that sugar is necessary to the human diet and does not cause cavities or Type II Diabetes? 2. Do the authors openly report their sources? Be careful of research articles that do not give full information. 3. Do authors state their research methods as well as results? If methods are not discussed, the research may be faulty. 4. Is the research up-to-date? For example, if you are writing about hybrid cars, an article from 1943 is not valid. Generally use sources that are 5 – 10 years old or newer. Finally, it is important to use a variety of points of view and opinions concerning a topic so that there will be enough evidence from all sides for making a balanced judgment. Do not depend only on a single source, or look for material biased only toward a particular point of view. Collect several appropriate sources, and review the combined information from that collection in order to analyze it to determine your own opinion. Using the questions above, you will have chosen information that is balanced, current, detailed, and scientifically correct. REFERENCES Arlov, P. (2007).Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing. Third Edition. Prentice Hall Arlov, P. (2004).Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing. Second Edition. Prentice Hall

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of Social Class Identification on Government

Effects of Social Class Identification on Government Walsh, K. C., Jennings, M., Stoker, L. (2004). The Effects of Social Class Identification on Participatory Orientations Towards Government.  British Journal of Political Science,Vol.34, No.03, pp.469-495. Brief Summary There is common claim that class identity does not matter for American political behaviour. The researchers tried to find out the influence of social class identification on participatory orientations towards government. The researchers focus on class identity perspective which people use to interpret and interact with the political world. The researchers used panel-study data spanning thirty-two years and two generations. Research Description This study’s independent variable is social class identification. There are two approaches, the first respondents subjectively identified themselves, and the second one is objective assessment. The researchers distinguish two classes (working-class and middle-class) by levels of income, education, union membership, and occupation. This study’s dependent variable is participatory orientations towards government. The researchers employed four measures. All of these measures concern political involvement and engagement (political interest, political efficacy, conception of good citizen, and political participation). Because there were many variables in this research, the researchers used multivariate analysis. Two variables are control variables, they are gender and race. â€Å"In a multivariate analysis, a variable is said to controlled when its influence is removed. We control variable by holding its value constant† (Agresti, 1999, p.305). The methodology in that research was a quantitative approach. Creswell (2003, p.18) explained quantitative as â€Å"an approach which the investigator primarily uses post positivist claims for developing knowledge, employs strategies of inquiry such as experiments and survey, and collects data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data†. Because the purpose of this research is to make predictions about relation or effects of social class on political world, researchers used inferential statistics. â€Å"Inferential statistical analysis can predict characteristics of entire populations quite well by selecting samples that are small relative to the population size. In the past quarter-century, social scientists have increasingly recognized the power of inferential statistical methods†, (Agresti, 1999, p.5). This research used longitudinal research, from 1965-1997 with panel-study type. The sampling technique is proportionate stratified random sampling. The sample is 1,669 seniors from 97 secondary high schools in America in 1965 and also their parents. Furthermore, the instrument which researchers used is a questionnaire. Research Critique Clarity This research methods use inferential statistics to predict population characteristics by using sample, so the concept of population and sample must be clear. According to Babbie (1990, p.72), researchers must begin with a careful specification of population and should not mislead or deceive the readers. He gave example â€Å"Adult New Yorkers† is clearer than â€Å"American† because there is specification of the age and boundaries. In this study, the population all senior high school students in USA, and the unit analysis is an individual senior high school student in 1965. The sample is 1,669 students in 1965 and their parents. The researchers describe the different attitude between two generations. Besides that, the researchers also show the trend or the changing of respondents attitude using four wave panels for student generation in 1965 (G2) and three waves panel for their parents (G1). This article published in July 2004 and at the beginning of the article (p.469) clearly stated that it is about American political behavior. In addition, the brief result or answer for research question is â€Å"class may be particularly important in the present political context†. However the researchers used data survey in 1965, 1973, 1982, and 1997. The focus of research is one of issues here. Longitudinal research usually compares the changing of the subject time after time. One of types of longitudinal research is panel-study. â€Å"Panel studies involve the collection of data over time from the same sample respondents. The sample for such a study is called the panel†(Babbie, 1990, p.58). Researchers make claim the result particularly important for present political context instead of stated trend of last five decades or comparison of two generations. 2.2 Theory and Hypotheses â€Å"Theory has an important role in research and is an essential ally for the researcher. Researchers interweave a story about the operation of the social world (the theory) with what they observe when examine it systematically† (Neuman, 2007, p.24). Dennis Gilbert (2010, p.11) define social classes as â€Å"groups of families, more or less equal in rank and differentiated from other families above or below them with regard to characteristics such as occupation, income, wealth, and prestige†. Furthermore he figure out American social class structure become six parts: underclass (12%), working poor (13%), working class (30%), middle class (30%), upper-middle class (14%), and capitalist class (1%). Each of class has characteristics in terms of typical occupation and education. In this research, researchers just use two social classes. Justification to do that because based on previous research by Jackman and Jackman in 1975, the vast majority respondents identified as working-class (37 %) or middle-class (44 %). In subjective social class identification, respondents have to choose two options. As a result there are several respondents did not give answer. Instead of beginning with theories and concepts related to engagement in governmental affairs such as political participation and civic engagement, the researchers directly gave their measurement. They used four measurements to measure participatory orientations toward government (political interest, active citizen, political efficacy, and political participation). Based on the purpose of research to get to know relationship social class identification toward participatory orientations toward government, the simply hypothesis would be: H0 = There is no significant correlation/effects between social class identification and participatory orientations towards government. Ha= There is significant correlation/effects between social class identification and participatory orientations towards government. In analytical surveys usually are driven by theoretical questions. The purpose is to collect evidence which supports or contradict some hypothesis about the cause of people’s behavior. Buckingham and Saunders (2004, p.14) define hypotheses as â€Å"statements about what our theoretical propositions lead us to expect to find. They enable theories to be tested by predicting patterns of observations that should occur. Hypotheses therefore predict patterns of association in observed data as a means for testing causal theories†. 2.3 Research Design and Methodology â€Å"Research design is a strategy for collecting and analyzing data. It must be appropriate for answering the questions which the project is seeking to address, and it must take into account the practical constraints which the project is likely to encounter† (Buckingham and Saunders, 2004, p.294). The strategy which researchers used to collect data here is a survey. Sampling In order to get the view and attitude of population, the researchers used random sampling. This is the selection of a sample that should be representative of the population. The researchers choose from sampling frame available, and each individual has same opportunity. In this study, type of probability sampling which researchers used is proportionate stratified random sampling. The researchers said (p.473) â€Å"the students were distributed across a stratified sample of ninety-seven secondary schools, with the probability of schools selection being proportionate to size†. As described above, the sample took in 1965 from 97 schools with target subjects 1,669 students and one of their parents as well. We can ask questions, why the researchers used stratified random sampling? Why make a senior high school student as a unit analysis? Why there are four wave panels? Actually it is a series of data survey about political attitudes and behaviors by obtaining data on the same individuals as they aged from approximately 18 years of age in 1965 to 50 years of age in 1997. Based on that series of data survey, in 2004 the researchers make study about the effects of social identification on participatory towards government affairs. According to this information, we can assume the stratum here is the generation (G1 and G2). These four wave panels yielded 935 respondents for G2 (students) and 898 respondents for three wave panels G1 (parents). However, the surveys in 1973 and 1982 did not include social class questions. Because of geographical problem to make personal interview, the base panel survey in 1973 and 1982 are 728 for G1 and 659 for G2. One problem here, can we compare every wave panel, if the sample compositions are different? Instrumentation â€Å"A research instrument is a survey questionnaire or interview schedule that researcher uses to measure variables† (Neuman, 2007, p.168). The researchers used a questionnaire which conducted by several ways (face-to-face interview, computer-assisted personal interview, computer-assisted telephone interview, and self-enumerated questionnaire). This research used Logistic regression model for binary response variables which only has two possible outcomes. Education level: This index was scaled from 0 (less than high school) to 1 (PhD). Union Member: 0 = no; 1 = yes. Income: all of responses about household income were coded to the midpoint of the category and then rescaled within each wave and each generation from 0 (least) to 1 (highest). Occupation Skill Level Self-Employment and Homemaker For the better education level, income, and participate in union member would take into account in middle class status. However, for occupation indicators, the researchers just gave information about the consideration without description where those characteristics were placed. There are several questions in the questionnaire which measure political attitudes of American people. Researchers employed four measures, and it is categorized as a dichotomous dependent dummy variable. The value is most often a representation for a measured variable (Hagle, 2004). Political interest, 0 = hardly at all, 1 = most of the time Being an active citizen, 0 = if they did not volunteer such a response, 1 = respondents volunteered a response of this nature in any one of the responses. Political Efficacy, 0 = least efficacy, 1 = most efficacy Political participation, 0 = least active, 1 = most active The measurement scale which researchers used is an ordinal scale. Neuman (2007, p.375) defines ordinal level measurement as â€Å"a level of measurement that identifies a difference among categories of a variable and allows the categories to be rank order†. Even though just there are two categories (0 and 1), we can order it, which is 1 is more active than 0 in terms of political participation variable for example. Ordinal scale can have more than two options, for example (very interested, interested, uninterested, very uninterested). 2.4. Analysis of Data and Findings The researchers provide regression tables to describe their research result. In this study, researchers stated (p.479) that they used bivariate (type I) and multivariate regression models (type II). Bivariate analysis is an analysis of association between two variables. On the other hand, â€Å"multivariate analysis is statistical procedures which attempt to distinguish and measure the relative strength or significance of association between several independent variables and a dependent variables† (Buckingham and Sunders, p.292). The regression model formula: y= a + b1x1 + b2x2 + †¦ + e. Relationship between Class Identity and Political Interest The positive and significant coefficients on class identity in the bivariate models (I) indicate that middle-class identifiers display higher levels of interest. Generally, the stable middle-class identifiers are consistently and statistically significantly more interested in politics than are the stable working-class identifiers with p-value Relationship between Class Identity and Conception of Good Citizen as an Active Political Participant Middle-class identifiers are significantly more likely to emphasize the importance of being an active player in politics. In generation 2, the working-class mean drops from 0.53 to 0.41, whereas middle-class mean stays at 0.62. In model II, stable middle-class always more likely to mention active engagement than were stable working-class, 0.10 more in 1965 and 0.20 more in 1997. Relationship between Class Identity and Political Efficacy The bivariate models show the gaps between middle-class and working-class identifiers range from 0.14 to 0.21 for G1, and from 0.16 to 0.23 for G2 on the 0-1 efficacy scale. The dramatic decline of political efficacy happened from 1973 to 1992 (0.61 to 0.49) for G1 middle-class. On the other hand, for G2 slightly increase from 0.65 in 1982 become 0.67 in 1997. Relationship between Class Identity and Political Participation The constants and coefficients in the type I models demonstrate the expected life cycle: decreasing participation among parents as they become older and increasing participation among the offspring generation as they middle age. The type II models show that subjective identification becomes a less impressive predictor for G1 members as the coefficients on stable middle-class identity changed from 0.15 in 1965 to 0.09 in 1982. At confidence interval 95% and p-value (*p Limitation and Recommendation 3.1 Reliability and Outdated Neuman (2007, p.115) explain reliability as â€Å"dependability or consistency. It suggests that the same thing is repeated or recurs under the identical or very similar conditions†. This research seems like not reliable enough due to limited information given by the researchers. It may be difficult for the other researchers to conduct similar type of research in the future. The data which the researchers used derived from 1965-1997. Meanwhile, the research launched in 2004, and now 2014. Thus, this research could be less important to be used because the condition and preferences of people to participate on governmental affairs might be has been changed. 3.2 Sampling The representativeness is one of issues here. The researchers use data from their previous research. We can question, whether 1,669 students (with his parent) at 97 schools are representative? How about the distribution? Response rate from this study is just slightly more than a half of the total respondents, 935 of 1,669 or 56%. Then from 935 the researchers could only processed 728 data. Some of the reasons data not completed is because some respondents refuse to state their social class identity and geographical factor. It is easier for the researchers to focus on particular area or state. Besides that, the researchers can make shorter the range of research duration, only one decade for example. It is because not easy to keep the same and large respondents in long time period. 3.3 Data Analyzing The researchers not much explain about dependent variables in type II model, but from four those regression tables we know that, education and income are outstanding variables who make significant differences between working-class and middle-class. Research Good Practice and Contribution This study not only including subjective claim but also use objective indicator to determine of the social class of the respondents. Researchers effort to use panel study spanning two generations G1 and G2 for thirty-two years, allows the reader to check the trend of participation. The researcher concluded there is relevance of social class identification and participatory toward government affairs. It showed middle class with better income, education level, and occupation more contributive and active in political activity and civic engagement than working class. This research could be consideration for government to make strategies how to increase political participation like to vote in general election. Besides that, media, academician, and politicians could make effort to raise public awareness about how relevance and important of politics in their life. Conclusion To conclude this study, I would like to highlight back some points. Overall, it is a good research and useful in social political discipline. The researchers offered something new from previous research about social class and political participation. They used longitudinal research, compare two generations, and used objective measurement to determine social class. However, there are still few things need to be improved towards achieve a better result. Bibliography Agresti, A., Finlay, B. (1999) Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Babbie, E. (1990). Survey research methods . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Buckingham, A., Saunders, P. (2004)The survey methods workbook: From design to analysis. Cambridge: Polity Press Creswell, J.W. (2009) Research Design – Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches 3rd edition, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Hagle, T. M. (2004) Dichotomous Variablesin The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Ed. Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Jackman, M. R., and Jackman R. W. (1983) Class Awareness in the United States. Barkeley: University of California Press. Neuman, W. L. (2007) Basic of Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Education. Walsh, K. C., Jennings, M., Stoker, L. (2004). The Effects of Social Class Identification on Participatory Orientations Towards Government.British Journal of Political Science,Vol.34, No.03, pp.469-495.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Geopolitics of Colonial Space: Kant and Mapmaking :: Term Papers Research

The Geopolitics of Colonial Space Kant holds an ambiguous position in contemporary literary theory—especially postcolonial theory. On the one hand the Enlightenment project has been seen as universalizing force (with a decidedly Western form of the universal). Said, for example, writes that â€Å"Cultural experience or indeed every cultural form is radically, quintessentially hybrid, and if it has been the practice in the West since Immanuel Kant to isolate cultural and aesthetic realms from the worldly domain, it is now time to rejoin them† (â€Å"Connecting Empire to Secular Interpretation,† CA 58). On the other hand, John Rawls and others find in Kant’s 1795 essay â€Å"On Perpetual Peace† grounds for thinking Kant provides an antidote to colonization and an effective vision for order between nations. Is it that Kant has been understood correctly by one side, misunderstood by another? Or is it that Kant’s project contains both sides to the question of nation and imperialis m. I’d like to explore these two sides of the Kantian project a little further. Let’s start with Kant as a proponent of empire. The idea of space is interestingly discussed by Kant. He was, after all, first a professor of geography, a mapper of real space before he moved into the space of the human mind, philosophy. For Kant, the concept of space is an a priori. As he writes in The Critique of Pure Reason, â€Å"The representation of space cannot †¦ be empirically obtained from the relations of outer appearance. On the contrary, this outer experience is itself possible at all only through that representation. Space is a necessary a priori representation, which underlies all outer intuitions.† In other words, to be able to perceive objects in a spatial relation to one another, you first have to have the spatial concept, the intuition of space. This conception of space has certain implications for thinking about imperialism and the concept of the nation in the early modern period. Since Kant places space as an a priori, spatial sciences, such as geography, cartography, and so on, will also be based upon a priori principles. To leap to political science, is the concept of a nation, a geographic space at Kant’s time and still in our own, also the outgrowth of an a priori? If so, the possibility of a nation is not determined only by the relations of outer appearances but is the outgrowth of a representation of a nation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Essay -- English Literature

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens "David Copperfield" charts a little boy's wretched childhood and his progress to a successful novelist and his finding true love along the way. The author made a romantic effort to be realistic and thus captured the essence of all parts of human life in the pages of this book. David Copperfield is the main character of the novel, but he is not the hero of the novel. David, a fatherless child born in a little village in Victorian England is deeply attached to his mother and his nurse Peggotty. His world turns upside down when his mother marries a man by the name of Murdstone. The pain that his stepfather and his "murdering woman of a sister" inflict upon David leads to his untimely loss of innocence. David is sent to "Salem House" a school where he is forced to live under the brutal regime of Mr. Creakle. Soon he loses his beloved mother and is "provided for" by his stepfather to work as a labourer at a warehouse in London. David feels his "hopes of growing up to be a learned and distinguished man crushed" in his bosom. Disguste...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mobey Dick Essays -- essays research papers

Herman Melville's Moby Dick is a book which can be read as a general metaphor for the battle between the evil powers of the Devil versus the divine powers of God and Jesus, both try to obtain the souls of mankind in order to assist in each other's destruction. In this metaphor, the Devil is shown through the person of Captain Ahab, God becomes nature, Jesus is seen as the White Whale, and the representation of mankind is the crew. The voyage of the Pequod, therefore, is a representation of a similar voyage of mankind on earth, until the death of Jesus, during the whole thing the influences of these three â€Å"supernatural forces† are connected. Thus, the basis of this idea is that in the plot of Melville's book, there are also peeks of the "plot" of the Bible. "As they narrated to each other their unholy adventures, their tales of terror told in words of mirth; as their uncivilized laughter forked upwards out of them, like the flames from the furnace; as to and from, in their front, the harpooners wildly gesticulated with their huge pronged forks and dippers; as the wind howled on, and the sea leaped, and the ship groaned and dived, and yet steadfastly shot her red hell further and further into the blackness of the sea and the night, and scornfully champed the white bone in her mouth, and viciously spat round her on all sides; then the rushing Pequod, freighted with savages, and laden with fire, and burning a corpse, and plunging into that blackness of darkness, seemed the material counterpart of her monomaniac commander's soul." (p.463) Based on the developed metaphor, the quote above can be seen as showing the role of Ahab as the sign of the Devil, within Moby Dick. The entire passage shows the effects of his manipulation with the crew. The words such as, "flames," "blackness," "howled," and of course, "huge pronged forks" turn the Pequod into a satanic representation of hell itself. Thus, the influence of the hellish commander can easily be seen upon the innocent men, whose only mistake was failing to see the true warning behind mad Ahab's mission. This notion of 'savageness' suggests not only a lack of religious morality, but also a dislike of it. Thus, the men are fully "unholy" as they stand on board a ship that is "la... ...Jesus. This manipulation is obvious in Ahab's spirited speeches, detailed mappings, and eagerness, all of which are methods to rush the detrimental encounter. The craziness of Ahab's mission of revenge can be compared to the same type of craziness in the Devil seeking out the death of the Son of God. The metaphor is also strengthened with the final battle of the Pequod and Moby Dick, which last for three days from the moment the â€Å"White Whale† is first harpooned. These facts repeat the crucifixion of Christ, where Christ died and went to hell for three days in order to defeat Satan before rising into heaven in glory. Because of this accomplishment, the few who are faithful to the Lord are saved into eternal life, while all those who are unfaithful, are damned. Therefore, the entire crew goes down with Ahab except for Ishmael, who was theoretically faithful. Thus proving the metaphor of the battle between the evil powers of the Devil versus the divine powers of God and Jesus, both try to obtain the souls of mankind in order to assist in each other's destruction. The Relationship between Moby Dick and The Bible, and the Symbolism Behind it 6404 GHE II Hour 3 11/30/00

Monday, September 16, 2019

Skills and Knowledge

Common core The rights of children and young people are acknowledge by the integrated services surrounding them and their families in order to identify and achieve a common core value; being healthy, staying safe, achieving and enjoying, making positive contribution, achieve economic wellbeing, which are the sis areas of every child matters. I will talk about these key areas more in depth as we continue.There are six key areas of every child matters and for a better understanding each areas and the importance it will looked at individually starting from numbers one [1] to six [6]. Here are the list as stated in the common core. 1. Effective communication and engagement 2. Child and young person development 3. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of a child 4. Supporting transition 5. Multi-agency working 6. Sharing information Effective communication Good communication is central to working with children, young people, their families and carers† the importance for skills and knowledge as stated in the common core gives a clear view as to the reasons and why it is so important to fallow these guidelines; Trust is a key part of effective communication between the those that are involved, a honest and open relationship is better to build by showing respect to the families you are working with, this can be reached if those involved do not feel under value and ignored.Showing honesty and respect for them by demonstrating that there too are apart of what is taking place in there surroundings. Communication is a two (2) way street and be aware that there are numerous ways of communicating which verbal(this is done orally or written), non-verbal(done in the form of body language, appearances and sounds ). It is also important to take into consideration the barriers of communications such as; disabilities, language, culture and emotionsEach families may have different barriers of communication so knowing that they are involved with people that they are able to t rust and rely on with confidence will initially ease some of their concerns the significance of being seen as individuals with valued opinions is vital. Maintaining confidentiality and ethics means you may often be required to share information with other agencies/services it is necessary to the welfare or wellbeing of individual families involved also bearing in mind that it is best to ensure they understand the reasons for this.Family should be kept informed of available local services that might be beneficial to their needs and how to used information they are given. By treating everyone as individuals with respect shows commitment Child and young person development Children and young people development varies and is different for each of child/young person, parent and carer sometimes finds it difficult manage and will often seek advice and support. Your knowledge and understanding of babies and young people and how to recognise changes or possible developmental delay will be nec essary.Children and young people sees and experience the world differently after evaluating the situation surrounding the child/young person where you feel more support is needed and when to get others professional involved you will then need to base your information of the fact of the situation and not of your own opinion. A sheared understanding can be reached the if individuals actively speaking and listening and breaking down and barriers making sure everyone is understanding. Allowing them come to their own conclusion on the matter while

As Computing Mark Scheme

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level and GCE Advanced Level MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2009 question paper for the guidance of teachers 9691 COMPUTING 9691/01 Paper 1 (Written Paper 1), maximum raw mark 90 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. †¢ CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2009 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. Page 2 1 (a) Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE A/AS LEVEL – May/June 2009 Syllabus 9691 Paper 01 (i) To allow the user to give the computer data/change data into computer understandable form (ii) To allow the computer to give information/communicate with the computer/to change information from computer into human understandable form (iii) To keep data while the computer is not using it (1 per dotty) [3] (b) -Black and white laser -e. g. Use in office to produce letters -Produces high quality/speedy so does not develop large queue on a LAN -Colour laser -e. g. To produce reports for a meeting -High quality outputs/can produce large quantity quickly -Dot Matrix – e. g. Print receipts at checkout/tickets on railway -Produces more than one copy at a time, one for customer + one for shop -Inkjet -e. g. Doing homework at home -Relatively cheap and slowness does not matter -Plotter -e. g. Produce architect’s plans -Precision drawing tool -Braille printer -Producing documents/books for blind people -Outputs physical/3D form of data (3 per type, max 3 types, max 9) 2 (a) (i) Name: Text/String/alpha/alphanumeric Description: Text/String/alpha/alphanumeric Cost: Currency/integer/real/float Whether: Boolean Number: Integer (1 for first three, 1 for last 2) (ii) Field Sizes: 10 50 4 1 1 66 – 50 – 250 – 8 – 4 – 313 bytes (1) [9] [2] Total (1) for showing that the field sizes should be added up Multiply Total by 1000 (1) = 66000 to 313000 bytes Add extra (10%) for overheads (1) = 72600 to 344300 bytes Convert to sensible unit (? 024) (1) = 70. 9Kb to 344. 3Kb. (5 possible mark points, max 4) [4]  © UCLES 2009 Page 3 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE A/AS LEVEL – May/June 2009 Syllabus 9691 Paper 01 (b) Advantage: -Processed/Searched more easily/quickly/Estimate of file size is easier -e. g. When a customer wants to kn ow the availability of an item the record can be found quickly/makes selection of storage easier Disadvantage: -The size of fields must be determined before use so space is often wasted/not sufficient -e. g. The â€Å"description† field may not be large enough for a particular item. 1 per -, max 4) [4] 3 -Working from home -Fewer journeys/more free time/less supervision†¦ -Different types of jobs/jobs lost/job opportunities arising -Production line/manual jobs being lost/replaced by more technical jobs -Work done can be more visible to managers -All work/times working can be seen/leading to rewards where appropriate/sanctions when poor effort -Safety of workers is improved -Computers/robots do dangerous tasks/can be used to accurately monitor dangerous processes -Work time can be less rigid -Work can be fitted in round other commitments/leads to simpler ways of job sharing -The 24 hour job/office/commitment/world workforce -Workers may always be contactable/throughout th e world/communications. (Up to 2 per group, max 3 groups, max 6) [6] (a) Line X A OUTPUT CONDITION 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1,1 5 2 1 6 2 1 TRUE 3 2 4 4 2 4 2,4 5 3 4 6 3 4 FALSE 7 3 4 (1 for values of X and matching line numbers; 1 for values of A corresponding to values of X; 1 for giving correct outputs; 1 for giving 2 conditions) [4] (b) (i) Change X = 3 to X = 11 (ii) -A first line to allow user to input value (N) -UNTIL X = (N + 1) [1] [2] 4  © UCLES 2009 Page 4 (c) e. g. Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE A/AS LEVEL – May/June 2009 Syllabus 9691 Paper 01 X=5 REPEAT A=X*X OUTPUT X, A X=X+5 UNTIL X = 25 END Mark points: -Begins with 5 (as first output) -Loop with working condition -Counter correctly incremented 5 (a) (i) -Options appear on screen from which to select -Selection may lead to submenus -Menus arranged in a tree structure (from single root to many branches) Use: In a passive information system e. g. Tourist guide at a train station. (1 for use, + 2 other -, max 3) [3] [3] (ii) -Follows a spoken language allowing user to input queries in normal vocabulary/syntax -Computer understands keywords/positions in sentence to get idea of syntax -Will then search database for keyword to provide output or responses. Use: e. g. On an expert system or search engine. 1 for use, + 2 other -, max 3) [3] (b) -Provides utility programs to allow user to carry out maintenance tasks (any 3) -Provides security measures like passwords and identifications. -Controls the hardware and the operations they allow. -Provides translators to convert softwa re into a form useable by the computer. -Manages interrupts. -To provide a platform for the execution of software (1 per -, max 3) 6 (a) (i) Data is transmitted along a single wire/one bit at a time. (ii) Data is transmitted along a number of wires/one byte (or more) at a time. (iii) Data can only be transmitted in a single direction. (iv) Data can be transmitted in both directions but only one at a time. (b) (i) -Each byte contains an even number of 1’s -A special bit is set to 0 or 1 to ensure that total is even. Byte is checked for even number of 1’s after transmission. (1 per -, max 2) (ii) -When two bits are in error the errors cancel each other out/10101001. [3] [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] [1]  © UCLES 2009 Page 5 7 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE A/AS LEVEL – May/June 2009 Syllabus 9691 Paper 01 -Data collected on site/by drilling /observation/explosions -Data collected remotely/by satellite/by electronic means -Collected data input to system via HCI/ automatically -Data input is compared to library of data to find matches†¦ -by inference engine†¦ -Using rules found in rule base -Decisions made about geologic structure reported through HCI. (1 per -, max 4) [4] 8 a) -Site map -a diagram showing the way the different screens fit together -shows the links between screens, -Gantt chart/progress chart -shows the different parts that need to be developed -shows which parts of the development are independent and which are reliant on each other. -Spider diagram -to show interaction between the different elements of the solution -and those parts which are independent of each other. -Flow diagram -to show the order of producing the parts of the solution -or to show the flow through the proposed site. (Up to 2 groups, up to 2 per group, max 4) [4] (b) -Documentation for owner of site -will be paper based -will contain instructions for changing/maintaining site -Documentation for viewer/visitor to site -will be on-screen -giving d etailed help on searches/use of facilities/communication with site owner†¦ [4] 9 -Sound -Music to accompany the pictures/speech to explain the pictures†¦. Video/animation -Moving pictures to better describe the object on the site -Automatic hard copy/saving -Automatic downloading of data to printer/hard drive for future reference. -Hyperlinks -Allowing access to different sites/parts of site (Up to 2 groups, up to 2 per group, max 4) [4] 10 Colour: -Contrast -Corporate schemes -Aggressive/passive/soothing colour schemes -Consistency over site to make site look cohesive -Use colour to provide emphasis -Accessability issues e. g. colour blindness  © UCLES 2009 Page 6 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE A/AS LEVEL – May/June 2009 Syllabus 9691 Paper 01 Layout: -Consistent layout so user gets used to ‘what is where’. Important things to top and left -Data spread out across whole screen -Tab order -Group similar data together Content: -Limit to amoun t of content on a page -Content on a page is cohesive -Content matches the published intentions of the site -Content is of sensible type and reading age for audience. (1 per -, max 2 per group, max 6) [6] 11 -The bit rate is a measure of the rate that data can be sent across the communication medium -Different communication media have different bit rates -For simple text/still pictures†¦a low bit rate connection is adequate -because volume of data per page is low and fixed -For (live) video/sound†¦bit rate needs to be high -because large volume of data which must be downloaded in real time because†¦ -information is time sensitive. 1 per -, max 4) [4] 12 (a) (i) -Custom written software is especially written/according to the requirements of the customer -Off the shelf is readily available/needs tailoring to the needs of the customer [2] (ii) -no delay as it is ready immediately -No shortage of experienced users/ready trained/No learning curve -Software should be error free -Help available through Internet/colleagues/courses -Compatible with other users/software (1 per -, max 2) (b) (i) -Check data input to ensure it matches source data -Typed in twice†¦ -by different people/at different times -inputs checked against each other for errors -manual check by comparing†¦ -screen output of input with original document. (1 for first -, + any 2 other -, max 3) (ii) -Check data input is sensible/follows set rules/are reasonable -Data type/should be numeric -Data format/should be in currency form/xxx. xx -Length check/input should be < x characters -Presence check/something has been input. -Range check/value between 0 and some upper limit (1 for first -, + any 2 other -, max 3) [2] [3] [3]  © UCLES 2009

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Judaism, Christian, and Islamic Religions

The Judaism, Christian, and Islamic religions have its own approach to art and architecture. These religions distinctive styles were influenced by political and spiritual upheavals In society, the environs, and the consciousness of the Inhabitants. Their expression of Inner feelings and beliefs lead to the creation of sacred monumental structures and beautiful art In which people can reflect and gain inspiration from the delve. The Judaism, Charlatanry, and Islam diverse traditions and theologies offer an illuminating insight into their notions of the sacker and profanes. JewishJewish art and its development is acutely intertwined with Christian art due to its profound connections to each other. Although Judaism and Christianity are similar and different in many respects, the Jewish religion is a far older faith. In referring to the Jewish theological notion of sacker and profanes, they believe that God is non- figurative, they worship in synagogues, and their religious text is the f ive books of Moses the Torah, and the Ten Commandments are the foundation of their laws. The synagogues equates to the Temple of Jerusalem, as religious houses where the Jews reactive their faith.Their cultural, social, and religious belief continues through their art and architecture. According to Soles, â€Å"Jewish art Is an art of symbols to convey a relationship to the sacker- (Soles, L 10). The Durra-Europe (c. 239 AD. ) synagogue artwork is significant because they are the most all-encompassing and extensive figural representation of early Jewish art history to survive. Representations of God do not appear in the Jewish context due to the Second Commandment; however, the use of symbols in their depictions exemplifies their faith as they illustrated episodes room the Hebrew Bible.The Durra-Europe western wall mural paintings depict tremendous figurative imagery. Soles indicated that there Is an emphasis on the themes of redemption and salvation connotative in the area above t he Torah niche. The central Image is a schematic representation of the front doors of the Temple of Jerusalem that In the future will be rebuilt, to the right Is Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac, but In the end Is saved, and to the left are the seven-branch candelabra (Soles, L 10).The Image of the seven-branch candelabra depicted throughout Jewish art story is a symbol of salvation and redemption due to the conviction that the world was created in seven days and the law of keeping the seventh day a holy day. The number seven is important because it represents â€Å"completion and perfection† (Soles, L 10). Another image on the wall of Durra-Europe is a continuous narration depicting the Life of Moses. There are two large representations of Moses in the center, one is turning to part the Red Sea that destroys the Egyptians, and the other is of him leading the Israelites to the sea.These mural scenes emphasizes the Jewish people's event with God and sends a message that they a re the chosen people of Israel. In the middle ages, there was a change in attitude towards the Jewish community in various parts of the world. There were not able to profess their religion architecturally with outward displays that denote their religious affiliation Like the Christians and the Muslims could, so they glorified and sanctified their faith Inside the synagogues. Soles stated that the Jewish community were not interested in religious houses (L 14).The Gothic style Latten Synagogue in Prague built in between he 12th and the 13th century displays its artistic and cultural distinction from other religions. Inside there is a pair of columns sustaining the roof with the central element the bimbo, which is a raised platform where the reading of the Torah occurs. The seating arrangement goes around the bimbo facing forward towards the Aaron (holy arch) in a semi horseshoe. Both the bimbo and the Aaron are raised above the Jewish congregating implying their close relationship wi th God (Soles, L 14).On the ceiling there are five ribs installed to avoid having a cruciform, to not emulate Christianity. Another feature in synagogues is the parakeet (Torah curtain). The early 17th Coupled-column Ottoman parakeet is a blending of Jewish symbolizes with Islamic influences. There is a pair of columns alluding to the Temple of Jerusalem and a Miramar opening. The central image is the goblet with nine lamps hanging from it. In Judaism, the number nine is associated with perfection and the cycles of birth and rebirth as this number mirrors the relationship between God and humanity (soles, ALL).Christian As the Western Empire declined and finally collapse in 476, cultural and political dervish shifted to the Eastern Empire. The development of Byzantine art was the result of religious and diplomatic strife between the east and west. Justinian I (c. 482-565) was the ruler of the east and under his governance, Constantinople became the artistic capital of the Empire. The Haggis Sophia (532-37 A. D) is the earliest example on an epic scale of the basic feature of Byzantine architecture as a surviving monument in Justinian reign.The interior of the church has an aesthetic quality that is magnificent in appearance and reinforces the theme of redemption and lavational along with sacker and profanes in a new reality (Soles, Al 1). The central feature of the Church of Holy Wisdom is the nave that is crowned by the dome. The dome rests on four arches and has an array of windows, which acts as the eyes. According to Soles, the numerous windows act as windows to the soul that connects the Empire to the heavens (Soles, Al 1). The arches are broken up into smaller arches, with semicircular apses, and arcades with ornamental details in the molding and the capitals.Furthermore, the lighting in this church played a key role attributed to he rows of windows that gives the illusion that the dome is floating. The Haggis Sophia represented God on a grand scale that left the people feeling exulted and in awe. In the 1 lath and the 12th century, there is a continuation of sacker and profanes demonstrated in the constructions of churches in Western Europe. Piety was on the rise and a lot of the populace went on religious pilgrimages to express their devotion of the Roman Catholic faith. This period was also the birth of Romanesque architecture.Architects utilized Roman antiquity to develop their churches with Christian themes. The SST. Sermon De Toulouse church in Toulouse, France, marks a geographical point for a religious pilgrimage. The architectural shape is that of a cruciform that invokes the crucifixion of Christ as well as the Chi-RYO is symbolizing the victory over death. In the middle of the 12th century, a new architectural style replaced the Romanesque design known as Gothic. In France, Abbot Surer and state. Because of this, Gothic style religious houses became the dominant public worship site in the early medieval period.The Nave of Chartres Cathedral is the epitome of Gothic style. There is a greater sense of light and openness compared to Romanesque. In the interior, the arches come together at points called gives giving the entire cathedral a â€Å"sense of heaven-forwardness† (Soles, Al 2). Gothic churches have many large windows and flying buttresses on the outside of the church, connecting to the main structure. The South transept rose window from the Chartres Cathedral has a central stained glass depiction of Jesus surrounded by twelve apostles.This culls, also has below its five images representing the five wounds of Christ with the images of the four Hebrew biblical prophets. The Gothic architectural style and the stained glass illustrations convey a message of spirituality and majesty between humanity and divinity. Islam In the 7th century, the religion known as Islam took root in the Middle East by its founder and prophet, Muhammad. In the course of his lifetime and 30 years after his death i n 632 A. D. , this religion spread to Africa, Spain, and Asia. It also converted many places of worship into mosques like the Haggis Sophia in 1453.The practitioners f this faith became Muslim which means â€Å"submitter† or â€Å"committee† to the will of God or in Arabic, Allah. The Curran became the secular textural foundation for the Islamic religion. With their faith basis, Muslims continued the sacker and profanes in their architecture and art. In Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock (c. 687-691) monument is the earliest Islamic building to survive. According to legend, Muhammad was taken by the angel Gabriel on a mi ‘raja (spiritual Journey) to experience both heaven and hell, which made it a sacred site (Soles, Al 3).The golden dome itself is one highest mint in Jerusalem as it rests on an octagonal structure, which rest on a square base. The dome symbolizes heaven and it mirrors the one on the Haggis Sophia. The squared platform echoes the four directions of profane and profanes, between an earthbound and the spiritual reality. The octagonal, a combination of a square and a circle represents the eight-pointed star, which also reinforces the ideal of heaven and earth is Joined in abstract terms (Soles, L 13). Outside this structure, there is a dynamic contrast between geometric, rectilinear, and curvilinear elements in a series f abstractions and colors.The colorful beauty with its detailed abstract designs, motifs, religious significance, and the distinctive structural design became the foundation of Islamic art and architecture for Muslims throughout the world. Another feature in Islamic architecture is the Miramar (niche) in the cabala wall to indicate the direction of Mecca. According to the Curran, Muslims must kneel and pray before Allah five times a day towards the holy land therefore, this Miramar served as geographical orientation. Muslims usually have mass prayer in all parts of the oral; therefore, in Islam everyone is equal i n their faith.This equality is reinforced on an architectural and a spiritual level because both the Christian and Jewish religions have an ecclesiastical court, Muslims pray directly to Allah without any clergy, thus in a way are more self-conscious with their relationship to God. There is a great deal of borrowing, emulation, and transformation in the Jewish, relationship with God through art and architecture. The constant sacker and profanes theme in all the religions, rested on the conviction of salvation and the hope of eternal life in paradise.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Untold Notions of American History

It is indeed a notable fact that the United States of America has been known to be a naturally independent and self-sufficient country since then. Historians have deliberately suggested that America is isolated from the rest of the world and that it has its own characters, ideologies and events that are all undoubtedly unique.This is the primary reason why American history is taught with the basis of chauvinistic perception- that America is autonomous from the start.If most historians or instructors resolved to that suggestion, Thomas Bender chose to stand up for what he thinks is the truth about America. In his book â€Å"A Nation among Nations: America’s Place in World History†, he persuasively narrated that America’s history must be seen and taught in a broader perspective instead of just focusing on its said â€Å"autonomy†.He proposed that the country’s history shouldn’t be treated as an entirely exceptional account because its triumphs and travails have also been experienced by other countries but in various ways.   Bender presented a more global view of America’s history by providing five key events, which he believes influenced the view of Americans today towards their country.First is the New World’s discovery wherein people from different points of compass arrived and settled in scattered regions of America primarily because of oceanic travel and trade. Next comes the â€Å"age of rebellion† or American Revolution which Bender depicted in the context of competition among empires.He pointed out that the significance of rivalry between Europe and the rise of nationalism in other countries is often neglected when it comes to teaching or retelling America’s history. Subsequently, when countries decided to redefine their core beliefs about the nature of freedom, the Civil War took place. Bender discussed this third event with apt concentration on the violence and cruelty which resulted to million deaths in America.He transparently pointed out that America underwent a violent process to build a strong nation. The fourth point that he tackled was the rise of imperialism which affected America against Spain, France, England, and Germany. The fifth and last point that he discussed was the response of America towards industrialism and urbanization during the 20th century.Bender believed that those five events were really vital in America’s history and that they must be taught in an unbiased manner. Meaning, they must not be desensitized for they contain unnoticed truths about the country. In the final chapter, Bender defied Americans to rethink their twisted notions of America’s history.He believed that viewing America as an â€Å"interdependent history with other histories† is helpful because it will justify the sense of identity of Americans.   Thomas Bender was indeed successful in showing that America has shaped and has been shaped by other countries and that under the power and consistency of America lays a deeply grounded truth: that is indeed a nation among nations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Issues In Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Issues In Diversity - Essay Example To bring change in the society on homosexuality, I will teach the individuals on society norms and their importance. The society’s norms and values are broken when homosexuality is practiced. Basing the issue of homosexuality on religion, it is against religion and is considered as a sin that should not be allowed at any given time. Teaching the society on the value of religion will also help in putting an end to homosexuality. Homosexuality is viewed as a behavior that is outside what religion expects of us and through practicing it one does something outside what is intended for them. The society needs to know that the issue of homosexuality has affected many Families and broken so many relationships (Baker, 2012). Teaching the society on the importance of right interpretation of civil rights will also help in putting an end to homosexuality. I think homosexuality is promoted due to misdirection or misinterpretation of civil rights. Homosexuality does not have a stand when based on moral issues. Individuals who are pro-homosexuals base their arguments on their personal preferences. However, they do not stop to think if their personal preferences are contradicting the personal preferences of other individuals. Homosexuality can only be put to an end if every individual stops to think of it in a moral perspective and thinking of other people’s

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How Brand Awareness Can Gain Competitive Advantage To Companies A Case Dissertation

How Brand Awareness Can Gain Competitive Advantage To Companies A Case Study Of Coca Cola Company In UK - Dissertation Example This dissertation focuses on the Coca-cola company that is a competitive brand and its use of marketing techniques seems to be a bullet proof formula for success. Therefore the intention of this dissertation is to identify exactly how coca-cola uses brand awareness to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. This is extremely important in terms of emerging markets like the technology sector. If companies can identify exactly how to imitate the coca-cola method to brand awareness, then they will be able to capture a leading position within the category. The researcher of this dissertation discusses various aims and objectives of this work, such as: to identify the tactics used by Coca-Cola to maximize its brand awareness, to critically evaluate the methods used by Coca-Cola within the context of the â€Å"22 Immutable Laws of Marketing† by Al Ries and Jack Trout, to Compare and Contrast the methods used by Coca-Cola and Pepsi, to identify other sectors that may benefi t from mimicking Cola’s marketing platform and to identify areas where Coke may be vulnerable. In conclusion, the researcher tries to explore the consumer aptitude regarding the efficacy of Coca-Cola branding campaign. This will help us determine how individuals perceive the brand, where they developed those perceptions, and how likely their perceptions are to change. After analyzing how consumers feel about the brand, the researcher states that he will be able to developed a formula for brand efficiency.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Primary and Secondary Sources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Primary and Secondary Sources - Coursework Example It is the strongest source identified. The agreement represented the actual plans and activities of United States government and her allies on the World War II. It is a strong source written by an important agent in the war. Nevertheless, it just provides the final copy of the agreement. The author wrote several articles as the wars progressed. It stated the way the Prime Minister of Britain announced the war against Germany on September 3, at 11: 15 AM. The article is unedited and represents a very strong source. However, the copy obtained was not original and published on eyewitness online source. A very credible source written in 1943 as the war progressed. It covers the Japan plan to evacuate its soldiers from regions occupied. The US, army wrote the report and it may contain elements of bias. Albert wrote the letter to Franklin on the plan to use uranium in the war. The copy of the original letter obtained contained actual communication and it is not biased. Nonetheless, Albert wrote the letter three years before the actual use of the atomic bomb. New Yorker magazine first published the interview with Hallock. He described the use of B-17 planes in the war against Germany. It a very strong source because Hallocck took part in the bombing against Germany as a lieutenant. Nevertheless, the writings were not obtained in the original source. The book critically links the way the World War II generated from the results of World War I. It also covers all the activities carried out by all the continents in the World War II. The coverage of the events of World War II is more comprehensive. The book incorporates the elements of religion during and after the Second World War. It explores the structure of religion during the World War II. Wuthnow also shows the changes that occurred after the war. It incorporates a very important element in the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Role of Managers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Managers - Assignment Example In this organization, the planning role of managers involves the logical reasoning, through setting of targets and the relevant procedures to be followed to achieve these goals. Through this process, the managers plan into the unpredictable future, by foreseeing possible problems and giving distinctive blueprints on the actions necessary to avoid catastrophic events. At Wells Fargo, the management uses planning to counter the industry competition. It is critical to have an organized unit in order to fulfill the plans of the organization. The Wells Fargo management is tasked with aligning all the company’s resources to the major corporate strategy of the company. In many organizations, the corporate strategy fails to align with the organizational strategy, hence causing a myriad of problems due to misplaced priorities (Canals, 2011). However, the Wells Fargo management uses the organizational function to establish and maintain the relationships between the executive board and the human resource at the company. Through this duty, the managers are able to assign the technological and human resources to suit the corporate benchmarks of the company. In addition to organizing, the managers of Wells Fargo Company perform the staffing function as well. The human resource managers within the company play a critical role in the recruitment, selection, training, and development of talents within the organization. In the radical world of globalization, many companies struggle with retaining experienced employees within the company. Through establishing a reliable system to oversee the staffing process, the company accomplishes its plans in line with the available human resources. Given the competition levels that companies face in the business environment, it is important to give a clear insight on the direction that an organization must follow amidst the challenges it encounters (Mertzanis, 2013). Therefore, the directive role

Monday, September 9, 2019


AMERICAN HISTORY TEXTBOOK ANALYSIS AND COMPARISONS - Dissertation Example Particular emphasis in the course of the research study shall be based on the perspective of the Southern American dwellers and that of British perspectives regarding the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968). These perspectives shall be taken from textbooks from these two locations namely South United States of America and Britain. The researcher is therefore interested in finding answers to the following specific objectives at the end of the current research study: 1. What were the causes of the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)? 2. What are the specific events that were recorded during the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)? 3. Who are the major protagonists who led the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)? 4. How do the British educational curriculums through its textbooks perceive the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)? 5. How does the American educational curriculum th rough its textbooks perceive the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)? 6. What were the eventual results of the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968)? 7. ... This assertion is the general hypothesis underlying the current research, which the researcher is going to compare and contrast ten different textbooks from America and Britain to draw a conclusion on the assertion. Most often than not, the kind of ideas that people from these two setting have of the African American depends on the encounter that they have personally had with them in history. The researcher’s goal for the research will therefore be accomplished if at the end of the day a conclusion is drawn on whether or not Americans and British perceive the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968) from the same perception. Significance of the Study There are major academic and practical justifications that back the importance of the current research and why it is worth undertaking. In the first place, the successful conclusion of the present research work is going to be a major tool for the establishment of historical accuracy. This said against the backdrop that different textbooks from different setting such as America and Britain seem to portray the same case from different perspectives. In some cases, such a practice tends to distort and bend some of the facts behind history. With this text analysis research, a line will be drawn between the contrasting facts to establish historical accuracy. Another importance of this research work will be to enhance personality awareness creation. This will be done from the viewpoint where the true identity of the African American will be understood through their history. Indeed, the history of the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968) establishes a lot about the identity of the African American population because it brings to bear their dreams and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Culture of Corruption in India, and its Impact on the Indian Article

The Culture of Corruption in India, and its Impact on the Indian Society - Article Example That would be the case if the effect of the rope is positive. Let’s consider that the rope stands as a symbol of the culture that surrounds us – family traditions, religious beliefs, work ethic – and the stone represents our core individual values. Thus, if a person’s values are not strong enough, the cultural rope would quickly find its way through simply since it surrounds the person within. It is only a matter of time before the culture of the rope corrupts the rigidity of the stone no matter how strong its values are. The same evening, while returning home in a hurry, I accidently jumped a red light on a small traffic signal. The traffic policeman immediately pointed at me to pull over to the side of the street. The officer was a big fellow with a turban on his head representing the colors of the Punjab Police. It took me a while to gather the confidence to reach for my wallet and pull out a five-hundred rupee bill. I rolled my window down, slowly fill ed my breath, and without saying a word just handed the officer the bill concealed in a handshake. He immediately knew what it was, and the second he could catch a glimpse of the number ‘500’ on the bill, he let me pass scot-free and wished me a good evening. There was no mention of any driver’s license, car insurance or proof of ownership. It did not strike me until later that I had just purchased the law out of my wallet from none other than a symbol of the law. The officer, who is supposed to enforce the laws created by the state, had given me the liberty to walk away from the consequences of breaking the law. The way in which the incident had occurred shows that there is an understanding between citizens and the police, where such actions are expected by both parties. Any citizen who jumps a traffic light and is asked to pull over knows that the penalty is far greater than the one thousand rupee fine. The fine is combined with the confiscation of one’s driving license, the car’s proof of registration, and multiple trips to the local courthouse spanning over a few weeks, or sometimes even months. The service at these courthouses is not much different from the Los Angeles DMVs – rude, excruciatingly slow, and inefficient. A simple affair of paying a traffic fine becomes a month’s job. The courageous act of handing over the bribe to the traffic policeman saves one from all that trouble. People look for the easiest, most convenient way out of their problems. Mandeville calls it psychological hedonism, an idea that each individual seeks his own benefit. The citizen finds his benefit in bribing the one policeman rather than running around the corridors of local courts for weeks. The traffic policeman understands his responsibility to uphold the law to the best of his ability. His twelve-hours a day, six days a week duty pays him a meager salary after government cuts, which is barely enough for him to sustain his ba sic necessities. The opportunity to earn a few extra bucks comes rarely to him, but it remains an opportunity that he fails to miss. He does, however, face a moral dilemma – between his honest core values and the easy money being presented to him – every time that the opportunity arises. Therefore, when the price is right – and by right I mean high ‘

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Instruction set Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Instruction set - Essay Example The task can be done by the car owner and the task is quite inexpensive. Steps Step1 Parts Required for Oil Change Figure1 Before changing the engine’s oil, ensure that all the tools and equipments needed are at the spot. The most essential of these are the wrench along with a container to carry your old engine oil, an oil container that is full of unused oil and an oil filter. Special care needs to be taken if the engine oil of a heated up engine is being changed. Step2 Oil Pan and Drain Plug Figure2 Before replacing the old engine oil with the new one, ensure that the car’s bonnet is open and then you are required to unlock the cap of the oil filler which is located on the top side of your car’s engine. This process will assist in making the old oil drain simpler as it allows air to flow inside the crankcase drain. The drain plug is located on the bottom region of the pan that carries oil, unplug the drain plug. Catching the oil may become quite difficult due t o the angle at which it drains. To ensure that the oil does not ruin your garage or public property; place a cloth or a newspaper on the floor just beneath your car’ oil pan. Step3 Unplugging the Drain Plug Figure3 Use the wrench to loosen the tightness of the drain plug by moving the wrench in counter-clockwise manner. Certain time the bolt is quite tight which normally a rare incident is. If the bolt is quite tight, you might require an extension to open up the bolt. A pipe segment is a good extension that may become quite handful in opening up the bolt. While removing the plug, one should even remove or substitute the old drain plug gasket with a new one. Ensure that the plug does not end up falling in the used oil container as relocating the plug from the re-used oil container might become quite a difficult task. If by mistake, the plug is dropped inside the pan, it can be relocated through the use of a magnet or you can even use a funnel while to drain the oil and take o ut the plug out of the funnel. Step4 Filter Element or Funnel Figure4 In certain cars such as the BMW and the Mercedes the oil filter is not of spin on type, instead the oil filter is of filter element in nature. In these cases, you need to just unlock the reservoir which is built inside and take out the element from inside the reservoir. Step5 Oil Filter Assembly Figure5 The most difficult part of the entire oil changing process is locating the filter assembly. There is no standard location of the filter; filter location varies form car to car. Certain filters are located on the right side of the engine, others on the left and certain are located on the bottom region. To correctly locate the filter, you should look for something similar to the shape of the new filter you have purchased. The moment you are able to locate the filter, simply remove it apart form your car’s engine. Unplugging the filter can be a difficult task, start by twisting the filter in a slow and steady m anner to make the filter spin. If the filter is too tight to be removed with bare hands, then you can use a filter wrench to extract the filter. The oil filter even contains ample amount of oil, so placement of an oil container is highly advisable. While removing the filter, one has to ensure that the part of the filter which is recognized as rubber gasket is even removed otherwise the new filter would not fit properly and the oil will

Friday, September 6, 2019

Sample website specification document Essay Example for Free

Sample website specification document Essay This project will involve creating an e-commerce web site for the purpose of selling electronic such as desktop, laptop, TV, DVD player, camera .etc. This system will provide a web interface for customer to create an account, make an order, check status and cancel an order. Database system will be used in customer and product management. The system will be developed on behalf of electronic retailer who currently operates as an online store only and limited delivery to nationwide. The efficient design of the site will allow the customer quickly order online and saving time if compare to order a product by regular mail. Furthermore, if the customer does not have an internet connection, he can order by phone and one of the customer representatives will be available to help him. It is fast and convenient. Products are to be shipped directly from the inventory to the address as the customer provide when he made an order, via UPS or FedEx. System must be informative, robust, responsive, user-friendly and secure. System should be designed to allow possible future expansion, for an example more product lines, and for potential porting to other retail businesses. The Specification Document I. Input/Output Specifications A. Input Specifications (Customer’s View) An on-line web site will be designed that allows the user to input the following information from any computer with internet access: Their customer profile information: (account registration) Customer name (string format, 40 characters max.) Street address (string format, 40 characters max.) City (string format, 15 characters max) State (string format, 2 alpha characters) Zip code (numeric format, 5 digits required) Area code (numeric format, 3 digits required) Telephone number (numeric format, 7 digits required) Email address (string format, 40 characters max) User name (string format, 5 characters min and 20 max.) Password (string format, 6 characters min and 20 max.) Payment information: (optional only) Type of credit card: Visa and MasterCard. Name on the card (string format, 40 characters max.) Credit card number (numeric format, 16 digits required) Expiration month (numeric format, 2 digits max) Expiration year (numeric format, 4 digits required) Shipping information: (when place an order) Ship-to name (string format, 40 characters max.) Street address (string format, 40 characters max.) City (string format, 15 characters max.) State (string format, 2 alpha characters.) Zip code (numeric format, 5 digits requires) Electronic style and quantities to be purchased: Brand and models will be viewed and selected from an online catalog. After a selection, the product will automatically add to the customer cart and the cart review page will be pop-up. Quantity field will be in the cart review page. It allows up to 10 of each model to be purchased. B. Output Specification (Customer’s View) The system will output information to the user’s screen, with the option to format selected information so that the user can direct it to a printer. Multiple web screens will be used, including: A main â€Å"logon† screen, so that the user’s customer profile can be created and/or recalled from the server. A catalog screen, where various electronic models can be browsed, and selected for ordering if desired. An order summary screen (shopping cart review) where the user can review the products they have chosen to purchase, and confirm that their order is complete. A payment information screen, where the user can input their payment method and billing information. A shipping information screen, where the user can choose a desired shipper, and view shipping costs for their order. An order summary screen, which the user can print for his/her records. Lists of products ordered and their status. A confirm page for cancel an order, if the customer decide to cancel. C. Input Specifications (Employee’s View, while customer order by phone) An internal web site will be designed that allows a customer representative to place an order, check status or cancel an order. He/she will input the following information: Place an order: Customer profile: Customer name (string format, 40 characters max.) Street address (string format, 40 characters max.) City (string format, 15 characters max) State (string format, 2 alpha characters) Zip code (numeric format, 5 digits required) Area code (numeric format, 3 digits required) Telephone number (numeric format, 7 digits required) Email address (string format, 40 characters max) Shipping information: Ship-to name (string format, 40 characters max.) Street address (string format, 40 characters max.) City (string format, 15 characters max.) State (string format, 2 alpha characters.) Zip code (numeric format, 5 digits requires) Payment information: (credit card only) Type of credit card: Visa and MasterCard. Name on the card (string format, 40 characters max.) Credit card number (numeric format, 16 digits required) Expiration month (numeric format, 2 digits max) Expiration year (numeric format, 4 digits required) Check status: (one of the following required) Customer name (string format, 40 characters max) Order number (numeric format, 20 digits max) Cancel an order: Customer name (string format, 40 characters max) Order number (numeric format, 20 digits max) D. Input Specifications (Warehouse Operator’s View) An internal web site will be designed that allows an employee working in the warehouse to select orders to be shipped. He/she will input the following information: Enter their Employee’s ID and password. Select orders to be pulled for shipment. Send packing slips to a local printer. Input order numbers that have been shipped. Input shipment information (carrier name, etc.) Update quantity available in warehouse E. Output Specification (Warehouse Operator’s View) The system will output information to the warehouse operator’s screen or to his or her local printer. Multiple web screens will be used, including: A screen showing a list of pending orders (orders for which there is sufficient quantity in the warehouse of all selected products). A screen that allows the selection and printing of formatted pages of order information suitable for warehouse picking activity. These â€Å"packing lists† would include warehouse location information for each product to be pulled for a given order. F. Exception Handling Example exception situations that the program is anticipated to encounters are: User logon and/or password are incorrect. User name must between 5 and 20 characters, include letters and/or digits, but no special punctuation marks. Password must be between 6 and 20 characters, include letters and/or digits, but no special punctuation marks. User profile information is incorrect or incomplete. User must enter first and last name At least one line of street address information must be given. A valid Zip code must be given, which will be used to determine the city and states. Products may be out of stock, back-ordered, or no longer available Notify user of stock availability issues, and confirm if back-ordered are requested. Products quantities ordered may be out of range Product quantity will be limited to 10 of any model. Payment information may be incorrect or incomplete User must select from pre-determined payment methods, and enter correct credit card information if required. II. Performance Specifications Operating environment: system will be PHP, mySQL and HTML-based, meaning it will be able to run in any mainstream web browser available to the home computer user. The client PC will not need any special software to support this application. Response time: Response time from any given screen to another screen should be limited to a maximum of 10 seconds, except in cases where response time is affected by activities out of the control of the program (such as slow response from external sources). Memory requirements: any user system that is capable of supporting a web browser will be able to access the system. III. Delivery Schedule Proposal:January 28, 2005 Planning:February 08, 2005 Design:March 01, 2005 Coding:March 22, 2005 Final Product Delivery with Documentation:April 26, 2005